Google Chrome is by far the best web browser for many people. Its many tabs and advanced search engine take care of almost all common tasks and keep you from wasting your time doing them manually. Google Chrome has tons of new features, as well, but the best part is its ability to update itself automatically. This is how Chrome manages to get better every day, and it can be quite amazing at times. Most programs, though, are unable to do this because the update process is incredibly complicated. Fortunately, Google has developed a special kind of program to automate the whole process and make it very easy to do, especially if you are used to using other browsers and not Windows.
This application is called Google Chrome Downloads Manager. It is a program that will run right alongside your Windows program that you already use to keep your operating system updated. As you browse around the internet and surf the web, you'll be able to see how many new downloads are available on the net every day. By running a regular check of your computer, you will see how many new programs you have installed and if they are compatible with Google Chrome, which means that your browsing will be more efficient.
To use the download manager, you simply need to install it and then let it run. It will scan your computer and tell you exactly what type of updates are on the way for your Chrome browser. It will also show you how many updates you need to run each day. The good part about this is that your computer will update itself automatically, so you won't have to even know it is running unless you want to check. You'll get tons of information to help you decide whether or not you should continue to use the browser and which download manager is the better option.